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Endorsed by ALL SIX District Court Judges of Benton and Franklin Counties

Endorsed by Benton County and

Franklin County Republican Parties

40 out of 45 of Dave's peers in the Benton Franklin Bar Association picked Dave as their #1 choice for this position


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What is the biggest thing that sets Dave apart from his opponent?

In one word...EXPERIENCE!

While Dave has over 22 years of relevant, practical litigation experience, his opponent has NO similar experience.  Dave has worked as a full-time judge and has over 20 years of judicial experience.  Dave's opponent has never sat on the bench as a judge, nor has she tried cases in front of a judge.

Are you Republican or Democrat?

Judicial elections in Washington State are non-partisan, by law. A judicial candidate may not publically address their political choices.

Will you be on my ballot?

If you are a registered voter in either Benton or Franklin County, Washington, Dave's name will be on your ballot for the general election, November 3, 2020.


OCTOBER 16, 2020

Ballots Mailed

OCTOBER 26, 2020

Deadline for mail-in and online voter registration

NOVEMBER 3, 2020

General Election


The Citizens to Elect Dave Petersen invite you to learn more about our candidate for Benton & Franklin Counties Superior Court Judge.  Dave is highly qualified for the position, as a former judge, long-time judge pro-tem and attorney with 22+ years of experience in civil, criminal, family law and mediations.  Equally as important as his experience, he has the perfect temperament to sit on the Superior Court bench.  Dave is well known to be fair and open-minded, willing to listen to and HEAR all sides,  He has the ability to be courteous and compassionate while being firm and consistent.

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By Citizens to Re-Elect Dave Petersen

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